I also loved her chapter on why we have to get control of our judiciary by only electing and appointing judges who understand the principle of judicial restraint. So, the only honest options is to simply enforce our laws and to change them as needed, through the legislature not the judiciary. Yet, the idea of being repealing immigration laws is obviously foolish. A culture that winks at lawbreaking rots the very structure that allows civil society in the first place. Then there is the whole issue of how the winking at breaking our laws undermines the rule of law in our country. If they were employed legally, at least some of those costs would be borne by their employers and through them, by those of us who purchase the goods and services they provide. However, if they were still living in their home country, they would not have to be treated or educated at US taxpayer's expense. Nor do we want children to be trapped in illiteracy or innumeracy.

No one wants anyone to be untreated or to die. However, nowadays, our hospitals and schools are being burdened with huge costs for treating illegal immigrants and our schools lose billions from educating their children. Open borders made sense in a time when people had to make it without taxpayer support (or minimal support) once they arrived. It is a sensible response in a Welfare State. To be for controlled borders and legal immigration is not racist. This is an issue where her opponents constantly misrepresent her position to make her (and those of us who agree with her) out to be ignorant bigots. That cheap lettuce only seems cheap because the costs of medical care for illegal workers and educating their children are not factored in.

It allows those who are employing illegal aliens to externalize costs that they should actually bear. However illegal immigration undermines us in several ways. She is clear that immigration is an American tradition and valuable and even necessary to our economic growth and success. Her chapter on illegal immigration is spot on. She begins by talking about the assault of the left upon the traditional family and the way that kids are actually being devalued despite all the appeals about "the children" and traditional marriage is being undermined. This book pleads with everyday conservatives to stand up and speak up about the things that we see as going dead wrong in our culture.

However, Laura's language is full of passion, energy, clarity, and humor. While she isn't afraid to call things as she sees them without pulling punches, she doesn't look for the most inflammatory way to say things. Laura is much more about speaking directly from her heart about what matters to her. Ann Coulter makes much of her impact through shock and satire of her opponents. Coulter is much more of a bomb thrower and sensationalist than Ingraham is. While she is also a lawyer (University of Virginia Law School - and she clerked for Clarence Thomas), is a blonde and a media personality, she should not be confused with Ann Coulter. She wrote about it and he became not only angry but threatening. The chairman of the music department, William Cole, was using a general music class that kids took for an easy credit, to make pronouncements on racism and culture in America. One of the incidents that came from her writing is recounted in this book. Laura began her political writing as one of the conservative students at Dartmouth who wouldn't just sit back and take the pronouncements and bias of the left wing faculty. She is a person who is passionate about traditional moral values, protecting the family, enforcing the country's laws & our Constitution, and cleaning up the culture from what she calls its pornification. In 1991, she earned her doctorate from the University of Virginia School of Law.Fans of Laura Ingraham's popular radio show will recognize the themes discussed in this lively book. Surprisingly, this earned her recognition as the first female editor of the paper. During this time, she was the chief editor of The Dartmouth Review that was published twice in a week.

She began taking editing tasks when she was still an undergraduate. Four years later, she completed her university education at Dartmouth College. She enrolled at Glastonbury High School where she graduated in 1981. Her birthplace was in Glastonbury, Connecticut in the United States. Laura Ingraham was born on June 19th, 1963. Besides, she works for ABC as a This Week’s contributor. She has also earned herself high acclaim for being an official guest host on The O'Reilly Factor. She is famously known for her The Laura Ingraham Show which is a nationally broadcasted talk show. She is famous for being an American radio host, conservative political commentator and an author. Laura Ingraham was born on June 19th, in 1963.